Manual Chain Hoists NICHI HN1



Hooks that prevent lateral shifting
– These hooks are designed to prevent the load from coming off or shifting sideways.

Coated hand chains that are highly resistant to rust and corrosion
– A special coating on the hand chains used for operation prevents rust and corrosion and keeps the operator’s hands clean.

Load chains that boast a strength of 1,000 N/mm2
– Sporting superb wear-resistance and durability, these high-strength chains can withstand use in heavy-duty environments over extensive periods of time.

Asbestos-free brake lining
-Asbestos-free, environmentally friendly materials are used for brake lining.

Dual-pawl brakes
– The dual-pawl construction ensures greater safety: should one break, the other continues to support the load.



Item no. Rated load (t) Standard lift (m) Hand chain length n (m) Test load (t) Load chain Min.
Diameter (mm) No. of falls headroom (mm)
HN10050 0.5 2.5 2.5 0.75 5 1 300
HN10100 1 1.5 6.3 1 368
HN10160 1.6 2.4 7.1 1 405
HN10200 2 3 3 3 7.9 1 428
HN10320 3.2 4.8 10 1 505
HN10500 5 7.5 10 2 660


Item no. Pulling effort Net weight External dimensions (mm)
(N) (kg) A B C F H I
HN10050 243 8.8 132 148 85 22 35 15.5
HN10100 282 11.5 153 172 104 27 40 20.5
HN10160 298 15.6 175 197 110 32.5 42.5 19
HN10200 298 19 175 210 118 33 50 27
HN10320 426 30.5 204 250 128 39 50 24.5
HN10500 381 40.4 188 285 175 46 65 42


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